Limitless fitness mirror TV is big enough for your workout and entertainment.

QAIO Flex Limitless


QAIO Flex Smart Fitness Mirror

No subscription required! Works with all Apps. Don’t get stuck with only one App and a subscription. Many free Apps Available!
Equipped with the latest technology, such as Touch Screen, Voice Control, Additional 12.1” Mirrorfeeds, and much more.
Well-informed customers choose QAIO Flex.

  1. Works with all fitness apps
  2. Touch Screen, Google Assist Voice Control
  3. With a large, 75” portrait LED panel and a small 12.1” MirrorFeeds panel on top.
  4. Choose from different wall mounts.
  5. QAIO Flex comes complete, ready to install and to use.
  6. Use as a regular mirror when off. (Monitor vanishes completely when not in use)
  7. Compatible with Mirror Feeds App. What is this?
  8. 1-year warranty on part on parts and labor. Free 90 days technical support.

Click here to learn more about this product.

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